On Tuesday the Supreme Court dismissed the curative pleas of Nirbhya Case convicts Mukesh and Vinay, while closing their last legal option to stay alive. The mother of Nirbhya had now requested to President Ram Nath Kovind to reject the mercy petition requested by the convict Mukesh Singh.
When media asked that how she would like to react on the mercy petition of the convicts, she replied ”They will be hanged on the decided date, no matter which court they approach.” The four convicts of Nirbhya gang rape and murder in a moving base case Vinay Sharma, Mukesh Kumar, Akshay Kumar Singh and Pawan Gupta are to be hanged next Wednesday at 7 am in Tihar jail, The Delhi court said last week.
Mukesh Singh filed a mercy petition yesterday. Even after it is rejected, a convict has to be given 14 days’ notice before execution. Justices Manmohan and Sangita Dhingra Sehgal were told by the Delhi government and the centre that Mukesh Singh had said in his petition that his death warrant was premature. Under the rules, said Tihar jail, it would have to wait for the mercy plea to be decided by the President before executing the death warrant.
Lawyer Rahul Mehra, representing the Delhi government, said: “The fate of a death convict comes to finality only after his mercy plea is rejected by the President.” Mr Mehra told the court that the pattern followed by the convicts to file their mercy pleas separately was a strategy to “frustrate the process of law”.
Let you know that none of them four convicts can be executed or hanged on January 22 which is given date by one of Delhi court, unless the mercy plea is decided. Mr Mehra told the court that the pattern followed by the convicts to file their mercy pleas separately was a strategy to “frustrate the process of law”.