By Asif Husain,Goa
The cowardly murder of the out spoken editor Gauri Lankesh in Bangalore has outraged thousands and lakhs of common people and opinion makers across India .
The protests across India shows that humanity is alive but suppressed on multiple fronts by multiple forces inspired by a demented Ideology that cannot stand the test intellectually and emotionally. An ideology that flourishes on rumors,propaganda,
lies, hate , prejudice and bias always has violence as its trusted source of strength.
An ideology that is not based on wisdom, love ,equality, justice and peace cannot tolerate alternate opinion and ideas especially those that critically analyse it.
Thoughts ,opinion, freedom and ideas frighten it. Absence of respect to human dignity are it’s identity.

Gauri Lankesh intelligently put forward her analysis of the impact the ideology that would eventually destroy the idea of Indian diversity . Her intelligence and analysis could not be proved wrong thoughfully so the bullets were pumped against intelligent analysis,against human birth right to speak the truth,against the voice of justice,against the voice of human equality and against humanity.
Gauri Lankesh stood up for the oppressed and deprived.
If bullets could suppress ideas the stream of protestors against the murder would not flow. The bullets could not silence the natural urge among people to seek justice for truth and Gauri Lankesh.
The truth is the proponents of the ideology of divide and hate and of false pride and propaganda realise they are loosing the battle against truth and human brotherhood. Desperation and violence are tools.of the weak and the coward.
True many are alarmed at the path that India is being driven towards but it is equally true that such situations will eventually open the eyes of many who have been befooled by slogans and promises of change. As Indians we surely desire peace and humanity and surely not a change towards violence and hate.
Pride and arrogance blinds Intelljgence
Greed and selfishness rob’s the heart of its purity. We need to invest in compassion and mutual co-operation and not in rumours and hate.
Let us through our intelligent reporting and analysis of the present situation in India and through boldness and bravery against threats continue the legacy of Gauri Lankesh.
(Author is an active member of Jamate Islami)